Globalsoft, Inc.
  • Experience
    180+ Projects
  • MDM Solutions
    Enrichment & Reporting
  • MDM Technologies
    Informatica | Reltio

Join us for a Webinar to explore Best Strategies to Implement D&B Data Enrichment to help get the most out of your MDM solution


Raj Lohia

CEO & MDM Architect, Globalsoft, Inc.

Raj Lohia has been leading Globalsoft since its founding it in 1998, guiding its growth as a premier vendor of services and solutions to customers and vendors of Master Data Management technologies.

With a technical background in software and networking, Raj has helped our clients with the challenges of implementing MDM solutions, helping to design solutions to meet their specific needs that include industry and vendor best practices. Under his leadership Globalsoft has designed and developed that D&B Enrichment Solution for Informatica MDM that is offered by D&B.

Rob Caplan

COO, Globalsoft, Inc.

Rob Caplan is COO of Globalsoft and a 30 year tech industry veteran with extensive experience in product management and marketing.

For the past 10 years he has been focused on providing services and solutions for Master Data Management, and has been leading Globalsoft’s partnership with Informatica, Reltio, and D&B, including the development of the D&B Direct Enrichment solution for Informatica MDM.

What you will Learn?

How does Data Enrichment work?

How can it help?

Why you need to enrich your MDM?

How to enrich your MDM?

Best Strategies for enriching your MDM with D&B Data

Why you should Monitor your Data Enrichment?

Why buy when you can build?

What is D&B Data Enrichment?

Globalsoft has been helping clients get the most out of their MDM solution for over 10 years including helping implement enrichment solutions. We have seen what works, what doesn’t, and how best to get solutions up and running quickly. As a result, Globalsoft has put together 2 service offering to help clients implement D&B Data Enrichment in the most efficient and effective manner.

Learn how we helped WBG?

WBG and D&B defined a data enrichment solution using D&B Direct 2 data services. D&B relies upon Globalsoft for key software integration components and for their deep MDM expertise so brought them into WBG to implement this data enrichment solution.