Performance Tunings & Updates
to enhance existing solutions

All IT solutions require some level of maintenance. Mission-critical solutions, such as MDM, even more so. At a high-level maintenance is required to assure continued operations at an optimal level of performance. For MDM, maintenance is carried out to assure that the MDM system meets requirements and expectations:
- Throughput (volume of records processed)
- Timing of processing (when records are available for use)
- Accuracy and completeness of data cleansing
- Record matching accuracy
- Utilization of system resources
- Supported software
Some maintenance activities can and should be planned, such as performing health checks or software upgrades, others result from a degradation of performance that no longer meets requirements or expectations.
Services from Globalsoft

A result of the experience accumulated in helping our clients, Globalsoft has defined specific services to address the needs of maintenance to support continued operations at optimal levels:
Health Checks
Provides insight into the current health of your MDM environment. It includes:
- Defining what Optimal performance/operations means
- Documenting the current state
- Analyzing compared to the desired optimal conditions
- Recommending a course of action to return to desired state
Performance Tuning
A holistic review of your MDM system (software, hardware, and network) to identify sub-optimal performance and provide recommendations for improvement.
Match Tuning
A review of your current match rules with a view to improve match results and minimize the number of rules being used.
Maintain product support and improve performance & functionality by moving your MDM software to the latest version. Utilizing the upgrade process and methodology defined by the software vendor, Globalsoft will upgrade your MDM software with minimal disruption and downtime.